This post was last updated on December 28th, 2022 at 09:12 am
All across the country, hail storms can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. If your home is not properly prepared, hailstorms can leave extensive damage in their wake. Knowing the signs and potential areas of damage will help you protect your property and prevent costly repairs.
Here Are Four Ways Hail Can Damage Your Home
Roof Damage
One of the most visible areas that may be damaged by hail is your roof. Hailstorms can cause dents in metal roofs, as well as cause asphalt shingles, to become brittle or cracked. Additionally, hail may break windows and skylights allowing rainwater to leak inside. To protect your roof from hail damage, you should make sure to inspect it regularly for signs of wear and tear and replace any missing or broken tiles or shingles as soon as possible. Should hail cause significant destruction, reach out to professionals for hail damage roof repairs.
Siding Damage
Hailstones can easily dent aluminum siding or even break vinyl siding; this type of damage is often referred to as “hail impact.” To prevent this type of damage, homeowners should make sure their siding is securely attached with no loose nails or screws and make sure to regularly inspect for signs of wear and tear such as cracks or chips in the paint.
Windows & Doors Damage
Hail stones have enough force to shatter glass windows and doors which can leave your home vulnerable to water infiltration if not repaired right away. It’s important to check all windows and doors after a hailstorm for any cracks, chips, or missing pieces that need repair or replacement before more serious problems occur due to water infiltration into the home’s interior structures such as drywall, insulation, etc.
Landscaping Damage
Hailstones are large enough that they can cause significant damage to plants in your yard such as broken branches on trees, flowers crushed, etc., which could lead to long-term landscape repair costs if not addressed immediately after a storm hits your area. You should also remember that some types of plants are more sensitive than others so make sure you research each specific plant and how to help their injuries. You also may consider moving any potted plants inside before a strong storm to prevent these damages.
Hailstorms can be powerful forces that wreak havoc on homes if they are not properly protected beforehand – hopefully, this article gave you an idea of where and how to start preparing for them! From protecting roofs with regular inspections to maintenance checks on siding— there’s definitely a lot of homeowners need to keep an eye out for when it comes to defending their property against potential hail damage! Don’t forget that while preventive measures may seem tedious now they will save you money down the road; so start planning ahead today!